200% Guarantee
We guarantee to meet deadlines for transcript delivery. We guarantee to achieve 99% accuracy on clear recordings. IF At any time up to 14 days after we return your project you note we did not meet the agreed delivery timeline or accuracy we will not only provide you with a full refund – but also provide a credit for the equivalent time and service. This is our 14-day Right the first time 200% guarantee.
– Andrew Dodson (The Owner – from Day 1).
Why 200%?
We believe that we have the systems in place to ensure that both deadlines and quality standards are met. Even if files are accidentally deleted or corrupted – the electricity blacks out, typists become ill, the office burns down or one of the thousand other things that can happen in today’s environment, we are confident we can deliver accurately on time, every time.
Why 14 days?
You, our clients, are our highest priority. We seek to cultivate transparent and trustworthy relationships. With this in mind, we offer a 14-day evaluation period after the transcripts are returned, allowing clients to review the accuracy before proceeding with payment. Clients with generic email addresses (e.g., Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) will be required to make the payment in advance (as can be expected with the nature of such accounts). Clients with generic email addresses are still be fully covered by our guarantee.
Data Protection
We continuously back up project data, encrypt it and securely store the data as multiple copies via secure Internet connections in different Australian server locations. This process ensures that even if one “site” is down, damaged, or compromised, other sites can step in and provide up-to-date copies. Once projects are completed – they are deleted from our system on a rolling basis.
The Diva Team
We have on-site and off-site staff – a network of Divas who can be called in and deployed on a project almost immediately. Our project management technology allows Diva HQ to be in constant communication with our team, literally, within moments, we can scramble a group to be up and working on a project. This technology to quickly assign and deploy our people allows us to quickly bring under control any timeline or quality issues that arise. Be it team members getting sick, a family crisis, or technological failures, there is always a backup support group ready to ensure accurate, on-time delivery of your project.